Hey, thanks for checking out my website!

I'm Wilgot Wall and I create graphics.

Below I've picked out some works, but if you want to take a look at the rest of my site, such as my portfolio or specific areas of my expertise, then you'll find some buttons on this page that will take you to the right place.
You can also use the navigation bar at the top!


"Ursa", a digital artwork created for a client that wanted to give his friend a unique, DotA-related gift.


"Her Loss", a 3D render and some PhotoShop work for a rap single cover.


"Bitterromantic", the main design for ClooneyCertified's plug-in preset pack for audio engineers.


"Haven", a mockup created for a clicker game in development. All assets created by me.


"SBD Poster", a poster for a conceptual world tour, the mockup is a combination of my own manipulation and templates.


"Blackout", an animation created in conjunction with the standalone artwork to present it.

wilgotwall@gmail.com | www.wilgotwall.com